Welcome to Building Bridges, a blog for Early Childhood Education. This blog is the beginning of what I hope to become an engaging conversation about all things early childhood from Parenting, to Education, to specific areas of learning and Social Emotional Development.
I have wanted to start a blog for a long time, but let’s be honest… Timing is everything, right? As both a parent and educator, I’ve often wondered how to navigate scheduling, timing for myself, how we could magically extend the timeline of our days to add more than our naturally given 24 hours. Well, of course, that part is impossible so what can we do? One thing at a time…
Here’s what you can expect from this blog: Each week, there will be a new episode to read. In each episode, I will write about different wonderings and musings that come to mind throughout my time as a parent of special needs children, and as an educator serving students with special needs and supporting teachers who educate them. I want to make it clear that teachers are amazing people. They are not always perfect, but they are perfectly human. How do we navigate that as parents, when what our children need doesn’t seem to be fulfilled by the teachers who are educating them? What do we when it seems that educators are not understanding our children for who they are and what they need? Is an inability to focus or concentrate or absolute need to move around equate to laziness? No, but teachers in their humanity often don’t understand what it is that is impacting our children the most, let alone how to support and engage with them in ways that will allow learning to take place. This blog will provide some insight into some of these interactions that take place, thoughts on what could have been done differently, and ideas on how to move forward. For the educator, this blog can provide tips and tools for how to enhance learning engagement as well as a deeper understanding into the conditions that impact the students. For parents, this blog can provide support for advocating for your child both in and out of school as well as some strategies and tools that can be used at home. Feel free to reach out for any questions or topics that you might like for me to cover. I’d be happy to welcome the engagement.
As the beginning is always the first step, I’d like to thank you for joining me on mine, and welcome. I am really glad to have you here…